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Winter Sowing Made Easy!


Sowing your own seeds for your garden doesn't have to be hard! Here are a few tips that make growing your own garden from seeds super easy!

  1. Make sure to look and see if your seeds need a certain amount of growth time or cold stratification.

  2. Any cole crops like spinach, kale, cabbage, broccoli, etc will need time to be in the cold before they start growing. Some flower seeds and perennials will need this time to get cold before they start growing like for example goldenrod and milkweed. Be sure to look up your plant and how to grow from seeds to ensure you are doing the right steps to help them grow.

  3. Starting in early February still guarantees you have plenty of time for your seeds to grow.

  4. An easy was to make a growing station is with an empty gallon milk jug. You will cut the jug in half and fill the bottom with soil that contains NO fertilizer. Any fertilizer int the soil this young and the roots will have difficulty growing.

  5. Once the seeds are planted make sure to tape the milk jug back together with some duct tape with a good enough seal for the moisture to remain in the jug.

  6. The only opening for the jug should be at the top of the jug. This will allow the moisture from rain or snow to get into the jug and water your seeds.

  7. Leave these jugs outside for the cold stratification.

  8. After about 60 days you should see some substantial growth which means from there they can be planted into smaller pots to continue their growth until they are ready to be put in the ground or in a raised garden bed.

While some seeds will prefer the old method of heat mats, enough humidity and light. Try looking for seeds that prefer being cold and hardened outside for easy success in your seed journey. Stay on the lookout on our website or on our emails for when your seeds come in!

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